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July 21, 2008


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Lesa Henson

Well, I'm still lost within your writings, still haven't found my way to the email inbox (referenced in another comment I left for you this a.m.).

I was in the middle of reading and went to the counter for coffee. While there I had the original idea, "Robin needs to be PUBLISHED!" Then I find as I read on, Robin knows this already.

I encourage you to share your work with others on as broad a scale as possible. A little of me wants to keep it all for myself, however.

Thank you again for this morning's magic journey.

Paris Parfait

Hi Robin - Fabulous graphics and I'm looking forward to catching up with your blog when I get back to Paris. Yes, I'm working on a photo book, but the big deal is my novel, which should be out next year. And I suspect that you, too, have a book in you. So get to work! :) xoxox


Um, did someone say "pie?"
Yes please!


I still think you look too comfortable holding that knife! You definitely should do a book - with your wonderful poetry interspersed through the pages. I'd definitely buy - while hoping for a free copy:)


I am loving the graphics........very artistic.


Cookie Sunshine

Dear Robin Bird,
I read your post at Debi's and felt it was my responsibility to educate you regarding the pencil test.
Back in 1969 when I was in the 5th grade and the entire world wanted to go without a bra, I read in Glamour Magazine that the entire world should NOT go without a bra. There was a very simple test. You simply took off your bra and took out your number 2 pencil. You placed the pencil under the brest and watched what happened. If the pencil hit the floor you were safe and you could leave the house without your bra. If it didn't, it was recommended that you kept your bra on and only went braless in your dreams. I, unfortunately, at age 50 am still searching for my pencil. I know it's in there somewhere.

I hope this is helpful.

Nice to meet you.

Cookie Sunshine



Certainly yours would be a best seller Robyn. A delightful post! Tara I am familiar with.. I shall meet her in person while in Paris in a few weeks!! YES PARIS!!

Barn House

Howdy! We read you were coming to our Flea Market (from Little Byrd's Blog) on Saturday. Are you interested in being a judge for our Deliciously Sweet Bake Off (10 am) and/or Chili Cook Off (11-ish am)?? We would love it if you would consider it!

Joe and Jermonne
Barn House


I am laughing. My sister, Margie commented above. Apparently she has a book already mapped out for me. I am to be the ghost writer for her life.

Thanks for visiting us!

And yes, sisters are the best.



i think i have a self help book in me. about children, families, struggles with losing a parent, finding your family strengths, staying connected to your extended family, and being lucky enough to find a second partner. i would write this with my sister who remembers my life better than i do!!! and maryam in marrakech, i envy your life in morocco. i love morocco and will buy your book for sure!!!!


If anyone has a best seller in them is you my friend. LOVE THE GRAPHICS!


This is too fun! I too have sighed and wished to be 'discovered.' I've also been plugging along to find an agent for my real life book for a while now and have hit many a brick wall. Which, is why I started posting little segments on my blog. At least they'll be read by someone...

sandra evertson

I for one KNOW you have a Best Seller in you!
I LOVE the photos below!
Sandra Evertson

Maryam in Marrakech

You are hilarious! I look forward to your fully illustrated book!


Count me in for an autographed copy! Just be sure to include your lemon dish! I think this is a totally amazing and wonderful idea and if you bring to your recipes half of the wit, style, joy and charm you bring to Bird Tweets, then it will be an extraordinarily entertaining cookbook -- not to mention yummy!

A title for my book? Hmmmm. I'm going to have to think about that one!


Mine would have to be Living as Rosa. I can't think of anything better at the moment! Love your TTA logo! Too cute. And yum, that recipe sounds sooooo good! I just bought some lemon cookies. Is there anything better than lemon anything to cool you down on a 100 degree day? xo


If this post appears twice...so sorry. I typed up my little note but I don't see that it posted so I'm going to do it again!

I've been after a copy of this cookbook for years...maybe I'll get lucky and get a copy of the second edition! You look adorable on that recipe card!!


Sign me up...I've been after a copy of that book for years! Of course, you know how much I love cooking!!!! Love that revised cover and you look so cute on the recipe card too. Okay...gotta go backward and see what I've missed here in Tweetville!



You are my absolute favourite celebrity!!!

I just loved watching these videos. Like Debi, I watched the pie making one and the one with little Zippy. She is the cutest little thing I have ever seen...the way she attacks the blanket in her bed, the way she moves in circles, and her little tiny trembling head. Oh, and that sweet little pigtail on top of her head. SO CUTE!!!!!! I just want to kiss her!

You are so wonderful Robin. There is so much warmth and humour here, and in these wonderful videos (you had me laughing out loud a few times!). It is such a comfort to come here and wander in this friendly space of yours.

If a book is created, I cannot wait to buy my very own copy. And please! Make some more videos! They are wonderful!


Well, first this post made me cry - truly it did! I wouldn't lie - because you said such wonderful things about me. I am blushing & grateful & thank you, thank you, thank you. THEN this post made me smile & laugh - I watched your apple pie video & thought "Hey, she's wearing my shirt!" & then watched as you miraculously cooked up a pie - I know it isn't as easy as you made it look. My sister-in-law makes a special apple pie for me alone because I like it VERY TART & she puts lots of lemon it. I don't have to share it with anyone because no one else likes it! (Weekend before last, that was about all I ate.) THEN I watched your chocolate chip cookie video & got to see Zippy, so THEN I watched the Zippy video & really laughed because I sing "You are my Sunshine" to Maggie all the time, although (and I should be embarrassed to admit this, but I am past all shame) I sing it as "You are my Maggie, my little Maggie . . . " I labor under the delusion that this actually calms her down when I'm taking her to the vet. And delusion it truly it is.

:) Debi


What a lovely idea :-). I would love to write one day...but I'm still trying to figure out *what* I would write.



Sign me up for your book too :-). That knife in the first picture is so funny and scary at the same time :-). Robin, I have already written my book, I just have to rewrite it :-), the title for now is "Trust Where You are".

High Desert Diva

You are too funny.

I was just speaking to my friends Donna & Philip about the power of blogs and self-publishing. The changing world of magazines...books next?


Yes, I do want an autographed copy of this book but I also want a second book....on how to cook and eat all these amzing goodies and still stay slim like you! lol I am printing off this recipe now and filing it in my cute little recipe holder on the kitchen counter. :)


What a fabulous idea Ms. Robin.. I know I would buy your book!! I always loved your cooking academy scrap pages and then Olivia can be even prouder when her Mimi is as famous as Julia Child!! Love your outfit on the recipe and this is terrific...let me know when you get to print!! I will be there and also want mine autographed!! XO

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