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June 24, 2011


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Great post, Robin. I totally get what you are talking about. I think it's important to follow your inner guide, to create those ideas in your head whether it's on canvas, paper or film. And isn't it interesting that how you identified yourself before - as a storyteller - still pertains to you as a photographer?

Several years ago, I read the course catalog from the International Center of Photography in New York (ICP) and there was one class description in particular that caught my attention. The instructor described how if each student in the class were to take photographs that she or she had created over the years and lined them up on a table or taped them to a wall, common "threads" would appear throughout all the images. That's our personal voice.

I really do believe that whatever we do over the years, whether it's painting, photography, writing, etc., that if we create consistently, our personal styles and voices will show through.

Anyway, I'm glad that you are pursuing this career because you are really good at it!

Curtains In My tree

well i want to say I like the subject matter . out of the box style not your everyday family picture thing LOL

It's the creativity i guess i like . also the clothing

I would love to be photographed in a matter like that with maybe a room with 10 chandeliers and a glass table and me with a white feather gown and nothing else but huge diamonds on holding a chicken

name it birds of a differnt feather

just thinking Janice

Queen of Tarte

Well done indeed....you are blossoming right in front of us...present and aware of all the beauty surrounding this incredible creative world we live in!! xoxo Cindy

Tiffany ~ The Fancy Farmgirl

you and I have spoken of this very subject, and I think it is a constant evolution in which one should enjoy the journey and not necessarily focus on the destination!!
It warms my heart to see joe's comment and identity on this blog......
xoxoxo, Tiffany


Well done my friend. I see personality as our scaffold. As we live our lives we build a home, we decorate it with all of our experiences; some soft some hard, but all seem necessary for the next new addition :O)

Frank Zweegers

Looks great, indeed.

Joyce Janes

Dear talented Robin,

Your photography is AMAZING. I admire you, and your photos so much. Your creativity and attention to detail just keeps getting better and better. Can't wait to see more!

~Joyce aka Calamityjaneslifestyle.com


This is why I heart you Birdtweets!
Sounding good, looking good!


you have perfect timing. i was blogging and it occurred to me that my post today was my answer to your question. xoxo


Very well done and straight from the heart!

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