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August 03, 2011


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Happy, happy anniversary to one of my favorite couples. I've been blessed to witness the love between the two of you, and I tell you, it is a joy to see. Love to you and to Joe.


Nice, now I am trying to guess where.


I so hope that one day Rick and I will be able to say our lives together are longer than our lives apart. And I sure hope I have good insurance and health care to make it that long!

This is such a lovely post Robin, so heartfult and eloquent, and of course so beautifully photographed.

I must check down your posts -- I've been in a bit of a dark place for a couple of months, despite wonderful vacations and all. FInally set up time to talk with someone about things. Consequently, I've posted but not visited often. It's nice to start coming back!

Have a glorious holiday. I know you will!

Joy Bayer

Hope you had a wonderful vacation! Looking forward to seeing some of your lovely photos!
Lets get together before all the beautiful summer days are gone!


Have a wonderful time!

Queen of Tarte

A little slice of paradise...well deserved!

xoxo Cindy


Congrats on your wonderful love story, and ENJOY your time!

spread your wings

have a beautiful time.
love that starfish photo. i look forward to more photos and stories


have a wonderful wonderful time!! congratulations! can't wait to see & hear the stories. xoxo


I can't wait!

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